The ACCESS program is a holistic wellbeing program delivered to Years 7 - 10 students for one block per week in their timetable. The program actively supports the Vision statement of the College by encouraging and educating students about how to be authentic members of our Christian community. At the heart of the program is the Catholic teaching of Gospel values, to foster positive relationships and empower students to be confident, resilient, with the knowledge and skills to achieve their potential. The program strives to develop students who are holistically educated - academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually, and who are given every opportunity to be their best selves as they make their way through God's plan for them.
Students doing silent yoga during ACCESS
Aims/Objectives of the Program
The program aims to achieve the following:
- To make Jesus Christ known and loved.
- Actively support and promote the integration of Catholic Christian values, in a holistic pastoral care program.
- Promote a school where each student develops the confidence to actively seek to “Dare the Dream".
- Foster positive relationships between students, teachers, families and the school community.
- Build students who are healthy, happy, confident, resilient and skilled with knowledge to deal with the challenging situations in their life.
To achieve this, the program empowers students to:
- Value and participate in activity to improve physical health
- Are active citizens who engage with our communities
- Show gratitude for our gifts and opportunities
- Strive for social justice
- Seek to be the best versions of ourselves, for ourselves and those around us
When does this take place?
TThere is a
designated 1-hour ACCESS session each week and is integrated in each year
group's timetable. There are planned programs and initiatives organised by
teachers, supported by relevant Heads of House, which will enable students to
participate at their own level and capacity. Students will undertake age
appropriate, House activities that promote personal and relational growth.
Activities students participate in include:
- Digital citizenship
- Camp and retreat preparation and follow-up debriefing
- Dance
- Sports coaching
- Yoga and meditation
- Champagnat Cup competitions
- Community outreach
- Guest presenters from community groups
- Health and wellness education
- Personal development programs
- Social justice projects
- Careers, work experience and SET Planning
- Targeted study sessions
 Environmental Initiatives
|  Career Education
|  Dance
 Community Service
|  Yoga