Enrolment Process & Timeframes for Year 7
Our enrolment process begins when your student is in Year 5.
Term 1: Advertisements are placed in the College Newsletter, STM Newsletter, Parish Newsletter & Social Media. Current parents are emailed.
Term 1: Applications open. Complete the Online Application Form - including payment of the application fee
Term 1: College Open Day
Term 2: Round 1 interviews take place for all processed applications to date
Term 2: Placement Offers and Acceptance for priority enrolments (in accordance with the college enrolments Policy)
Term 4: Round 2 interviews take place (dependent on position availability)
When your student is in Year 6.
Term 1: Round 3 interviews take place (dependent on position availability)
Term 4: Transition/Experience Day
Enrolment Process & Timeframes for Year 8 - 12
Applications (online) can be made at any time for Year 8 - 12, however, due to the high demand in particular year levels, a waiting list may apply. When a vacancy arises, enrolment offers are based on the interview and the guidelines of the St Teresa's Catholic College Enrolment Policy. Enrolments at the College is a the discretion of the Principal.
Application for Enrolment Online
Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at St Teresa's Catholic College. Please find the link below to the online application for enrolment.
Please click on the link, enter and review the required details, and submit the form. We will then contact you regarding the next steps.
If applying for enrolment for more than one student, an option will be available when the form is completed to submit another enrolment for an additional student.
Please contact us directly, should you experience any difficulty completing the online application for enrolment.
Apply Online
Pay Enrolment Application Fee
A non-refundable $100 application fee to assist us in covering administration costs must be paid before your application will be considered. Use the key dates above to ensure a place is available for your child/ren.

Pay Application Fee
Contact Enrolments
Phone: (07) 5474 0022
Email: snooenrolment@bne.catholic.edu.au